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in process ~ why bother ~ preoccupied

~ WHY: because i want the hue-myn whirled to be less harmful than it is to wild things and wilderness.  by the reminders---in the lifework of elders such as kathe kollwitz; for the rendered gravitas of grievous humyn damages endured and the fierce compassionate example of a road not taken, i mean to do what is possible, while i live and breathe, on behalf of all things that have no words that huemyns hear.     

~ WHERE: in the hellbendre presse, among what is left of the wild sanctuary of this river valley homeplace, and alongside the masterful abilities, exemplary kindness, and generosity of more worldly practioners; for the sense and actuality of inclusive belonging they offer, allowing the renewed and newly learned calibrations and connections i long for in the other-wise peculiarly solitary practice of my devotion.      

~ HOW: with the humble, tangible, and reliable tools, skills, and materials that provide in-hand assistance to the common senses, in my intention to evermore demythologize, reclaim, and give back our stolen and co'opted singing, drawing, and speaking voices, in the teeth of the over-wrought glamours, techno-illogical travesties, and consentual-reality infestations which unrelentingly and routinely continue to harm and hinder the harried habitats of wilderness, childhood, children, and womyn of every species, and of the wild peculairs such as i, in the beyond-humyn world.  just because one can doesn't mean one should.      

~ WHO: all the unwitting, witting and willing influences, companions, sheroes, and womyntors in and beyond here-and-now; for they befriend and sustain fierce devotion, sardonic whimsy, and resourceful practice, in answer to my calling.      

~ WHEN: every minute, in the equological imagination's slow and steady, tenacious and abiding, all-encompassing apocolypse; in the ever-evolving change, inclusive diversity, and resilient practice of being.  the one thing one can change is one's own mind.  let be, and so be it; ah, womyn.

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Crucifiction ~ James Keith McWhirter ~ stone lithograph

Judgement ~ James Keith McWhirter ~ stone lithograph

Crooked Crosses ~ James Keith McWhirter ~ stone lithograph

The Zither ~ Will Barnet ~ aquatint

Vergewaltigt/Raped ~ Kathe Kollwitz ~ graphite

Bein Dengeln/Whetting the Scythe ~ Kathe Kollwitz ~ etching

drawing beneath kathe kollwitz ~ hellbendre presse

graining lithograph stones out back ~ hellbendre presse

drawing the mobiusse tapeworme's ambi-valente dualitye ~ lithograph stone ~ hellbendre presse

drawing outside lookinge inne ~ lithograph stone ~ The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

good practice in stone lithography process ~ healthful self-care toward the becoming of an elder womyn printmaker ~ Frogperson's Workshop, Vermillion, South Dakota

the mobiusse tapeworme's ambi-valente dualitye ~ on the lithograph stone

the mobiusse tapeworme's ambi-valente duality ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ stone lithograph ~ leathrewingeditionnes

pandora's earthe hemourage ~ on the lithograph stone

pandora's earthe hemourage ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ stone lithograph ~ leathrewingeditionnes

outside lookinge inne ~ on the lithograph stone

outside lookinge inne ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ stone lithograph ~ leathrewingeditionnes

drawing angrye babies ~ copper plate line etching ~ residency ~ Anchor Graphics, Chicago, Illinois

angrye babies ~ line etching on the copper plate

angrye babies ~ plate wiping ~ hellbendre presse

angrye babies ~ detail wiping ~ hellbendre presse

angrye babies ~ hand wiping ~ hellbendre presse

angrye babies ~ lifting the print ~ hellbendre presse

angrye babies ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ copper plate line etching ~ leathrewingeditionnes

koreloy painting pentangle fresco

finishing pentangle fresco

drawing on the banjo ~ hellbendre presse

demonstrating drawing on the banjo ~ hellbendre presse

wearing iris hat ~ turning between formative models of narrow paths taken, narrowly escaped, and practice ~ toward further present, venerable, and practicing printmakers and other inspirations

Earth Triptych ~ Megan Lee Larkin McWhirter ~ etching and aquatint

La Geante/The Giantess ~ David Schorr ~ intaglio

Les Deux Bonnes Soeurs/The Two Good Sisters ~ David Schorr ~ intaglio

High Rise ~ Curtis Bartone ~ stone lithograph

Nocturne (Widow in Landscape) ~ Curtis Bartone ~ etching and aquatint

Alchanatomist's Model for a Giant ~ Chris Flynn ~ intaglio

Ex Libris Geerth V. D. Zee ~ Oldrich Kulhanek ~ stone lithograph

Reynard the Fox ~ Nikolai Batakov ~ etching

Ex Libris Luc Sanders/Flemish Match ~ Albin Brunovsky ~ etching

The Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart lV/Prouds and Their Falls ~ Albin Brunovsky ~ etching

Exit From Paradise ~ Yurij Nozdrin ~ hand coloured intaglio

Convergence of Opposites ~ Lucius and Lenda du Bose ~ hand coloured etching

Luna Sea ~ Patricia Hunsinger ~ colour lithograph

Spider Mother ~ Patricia Hunsinger ~ colour lithograph

Faubourg nam main bon Dieu/Neighborhood in the Hand of the Good God ~ Gwen Diehn ~ relief print with watercolour and photocopier transfer

Night Games/Wide ~ Gwen Diehn ~ sawn block relief print with watercolour

Crouching Figure ~ Joe Loccisano ~ graphite

Changeling ~ from Characters in Search of a Story ~ Joe Loccisano ~ monotype

Cyclops ~ the beautiful and the terrible ~ from Freaky Faces ~ Joe Loccisano ~ pastel

a brrrde inne the hairre is worthe two inne the bushe ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ graphite drawing

the slye madonna ~ koreloy wildrekinde~mcwhirter ~ t-shirt drawing

© 2014 by koreloy wildrekinde-mcwhirter. Proudly created with

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